Text: Marek Bieńczyk

Illustrations: Joanna Concejo



92 pages

Hardcover, leporello 6,5 m

14 x 32 cm


Rights sold: France, English world

French translation available!


SHORT FILM based on the book!

The Best Book of the Year 2013 by IBBY (Polish section)


The book is a masterwork, a piece of art – for all ages.

A pair of brilliant characters, a pinch of humor and a charm of style – Marek Bieńczyk, the winner of Nike, the most important literature award in Poland – serves us a seemingly facetious tale on happiness.

„Happiness is nothing but trouble”, says Not-So-Little Prince, producing numerous reasons for the elusiveness of happiness. For Prickly Pear, happiness has the taste of pastries, pralines, or the apple strudel. Amazing illustrations carry the characters from the pastry shop into a new dimension:
the borderline between walking and sleeping.


Resultado de imagen de książę w cukierni



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Resultado de imagen de książę w cukierni