Text: Grzegorz Kasdepke

Illustrations: Emilia Dziubak



32 pages


24 x 32 cm

(Nasza Księgarnia)

Rights sold: Germany, Lithuania, Italy, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Taiwan, Russia, Catalan

English sample available!


Here translation rights available for Spain an Spanish-language territories.


Who would have thought that a little girl called Mary could be such a scary dragon! Certainly
not her mum. Nor her dad. Nor Grandma. Though grandad had his suspicions.
The clever Mary will cause quite an upheaval in the family home…
A fun and by no means straightforward tale about how wisdom is more important than beauty and how you should always be yourself!


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Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania książka a ja nie chcę być księżniczką



Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania książka a ja nie chcę być księżniczkÄ