Professor Branewave’s Lab
One of the iconic figures in Polish comics. A crazy scientist, Professor Branewave and his housekeeper Mrs Flutterby embark on incredible adventures. They will discover a lost world, set off on an interplanetary expedition, sail around the globe, confront Lord Hocus Pocus who wants to control the entire story, and a bookworm who threatens to devour it, and also meet the Author himself.
A comics book created by Tadeusz Baranowski, one of the most renowned Polish comics artists of the 1980s . Valued for his unconventional writing, absurd humor, odd characters, and captivating artwork. The majority of his comic books, which are considered iconic in Poland, have been republished multiple times.
“Professor Branewave’s Lab” was an ispiration for a full-lenght animated adventure comedy with a live-action twist “DIPLODOCUS” that will be released in 2024. It has already been sold to 40 countries around the globe including the U.K., Germany Spain, Portugal, Benelux and Korea! FILM TRAILER: DIPLODOCUS
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