Elephant on The Moon
A vividly illustrated story of courage, passion, and determination. In a small town, there lives a female astronomer. Every evening she looks at the moon through her telescope. She knows it like the back of her hand. Even in her sleep, she can name every mountain, crater, and ocean of the gloving globe. One night she makes a remarkable find. Could it be that an elephant lives on the moon?
The members of the Moon Society refuse to believe her. one of the Royal Society’s astronomers in the 17th century, is said to have been the first to observe an elephant on the on the moon. At the time, his discovery provoked much confusion and fired the imaginations of many writers. Samuel Butler’s sarcastic account brought the story to France. Fontaine himself created a story about it titled “Un animal dans la lune.” Almost 350 years later, Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński revisited the moon myth and created a new adventure-filled tale.